一般Windows Mobile的智慧型手機在與公司的Exchange Server連接時,需由MIS部門安裝憑證,才可正常連接進行同步,某些對資訊安全特別執著的公司而言,這也是一個重要的管制手段,透過對憑證的管制,可以避免未經核准的智慧型手機與公司Exchange Server進行同步。
前兩天測試了一下iPhone的Exchange Server同步的功能,發現照著步驟設定完成之後,居然就通了,email及行事曆同步完全正常,MIS部門又要傷腦筋了。

4 則留言:
I like 謙璽too. However, I am still worried about moving to there. Why do you want to sell house after working so hard on it. are you going to leave there or just change your house? any disadvantages for living there?
I think you reply to the wrong article...
However I can reply your question as follows:
1. I am not going to sell my house.
2. Linkou is a good place to live, however the main reason I choice to live Linkou is because I work nearby.
3. For me, there is no major disadvantage to live here, and I don't know your concern. I cannot have comment for your worry.
Thanks for your reply!
it is weird I saw your house photos on one well-known broker's ad. May be they are using your house's photo. you may check it out. i recognized your interior designs.
I am living in Taipei now. My concern is : is it worth moving there and driving to work every day.
How about the air polution since it is surrounded by many industries.
I did try to sell the house last year due to finacial difficulty.
But not this year, I already change my mind.
You should not be able to see my house picture in any broker's ad now. If you do, please let me know.
About the traffic, it really depends on where you work in Taipei. It's pretty convenient to drive to the city through the highway.
As for the air quality, all I can say is I can wide open my windows and sleep well in my house, which you might not be able to do so in many place in the city.
I recommend you to visit the web site "林口葡萄籐".
You might many useful information about life in LinKuo.